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Learning to Speak Portuguese

23 Apr

I prepared for three weeks to create this video – memorizing and practicing every chance I got! Enjoy 🙂

Check out my other YouTube videos here, or visit my channel, AlizaOnline.

How to Write a Cover Letter

27 Feb

This is a basic overview of how to write a cover letter.

For a more detailed guide, check out this article.

Please note: On the close-up of my sample cover letter, you might notice I wrote “Employer’s contact info.” I’m referring to your POTENTIAL employer’s contact information, NOT your current employer’s.

If you have any other cover letter writing tips, let me know in the comments!

Subscribe to my YouTube Channel, AlizaOnline, for more vids!

Under My Spell

8 Feb

For years, I dreamed that I would one day possess real magical abilities.

I got tired of waiting.

So I took matters into my own hands:

Check out my YouTube Channel, AlizaOnline, for more vids!

Also, please subscribe 🙂

Sister Tag on YouTube

27 Jan

If you were sitting on the plane next to your favorite celebrity, what would you do?

What do you miss most about being a kid?

If you were immortal for a day, what would you do?

Heels or flats?

My sisters and I answer these questions and more in my new sister tag YouTube video – check it out here!

Devorah’s information:

For updates on sales and specials “like” her Facebook page:

New Years New York Fun

21 Jan

Happy Belated New Years!

I’ve posted a new video on YouTube! I participated in an awesome scavenger hunt in NYC…and is that the New Years countdown in Times Square?

Introducing Me to You(Tube)

11 Jan

For a long time, I had the same view of YouTube that I used to have of blogging. 

Like blogging, I’ve come to realize that I don’t care that I’ll be joining the masses (in this case, masses of people-armed-with-cameras).

Blogging has been amazing, and the little experience I’ve had of YouTube so far has been as thrilling as those first weeks of blogging were.

And so, without further ado, I give you my first YouTube video.

I’m open to feedback, don’t tear me apart too much, and enjoy 😉

Best British TV

4 Dec

My newest squidoo lens is up – all about British TV shows I like and watch.

Check it out here

Some of them may be familiar from my TV show list,  but you’ll also see trailers for each show, which I don’t have on my blog post.
