Tag Archives: Merlin

In a Land of Myth and a Time of Magic

9 Jan

There’s this cute little show that makes me happy inside every time I watch it. It’s name – Merlin

Merlin (which made my TV Show List) is a fantasy-adventure British show that tells the story of the wizard Merlin, Prince Arthur, Arthur’s knights, and Camelot. But there’s a twist: Instead of a wise, ancient Merlin, the wizard is portrayed (by Colin Morgan) as a young man – more friend than mentor to Arthur (Bradley James).

Oh, and Merlin has to keep his magic secret from almost everyone, including Arthur.

Colin Morgan and Bradley James

I remember that after watching the first episode, I felt compelled to check out the next, and the next. Something about the show was drawing me in.

And it wasn’t the complex plot.

Colin Morgan and Bradley James carried the show for most of the first three seasons. This had largely to do with the fact that Colin Morgan and Bradley James are adorable/hot/cute/lovable.

Plus, they have great on-screen chemistry (in a completely heterosexual sense).

Also, they’re great friends off-screen. I know this because I’ve seen a bunch of youtube videos of them having fun together. Exhibit A:

And I have other reasons for enjoying Merlin.

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Best British TV

4 Dec

My newest squidoo lens is up – all about British TV shows I like and watch.

Check it out here http://www.squidoo.com/best-british-tv

Some of them may be familiar from my TV show list,  but you’ll also see trailers for each show, which I don’t have on my blog post.


TV Show List

28 Sep

Shows I love that are still on air –

Parenthood: This is a family drama that’s warm and funny and always leaves me feeling a little emotionally-drained. In a good way.

Modern Family: This is the sitcom version of Parenthood – more comedy than drama, half as long, and yet there’s a realism to it. Shot documentary-style.

Mad Men: This drama is set in the 1960s. It revolves around an advertising company, its employees, and their families. The fashion is great, affairs are commonplace, and political correctness is non-existent. This isn’t a “feel-good” show by any stretch of the imagination. Yet I keep going back.

How I Met Your Mother: This is a sitcom about five friends living in Manhattan. Funny in its early years, the show has gotten more depth in recent seasons, making it that much better.

Castle: This humorous drama is about a famous author who shadows a female NYPD detective for inspiration. “Will they or won’t they” romance ensues.

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