Tag Archives: Magic

4 Awesome Starter Books You Should Read

26 Apr

These four awesome books were originally listed on a static page (like the pages above), but I figured it was out of place there and should have a home with the rest of my book recommendations.

So I’ve decided to make a post of it.

I call them “starter books” for lack of a better term (if you know of one, let me know!). Three are the first books in their respective series; one of the books being not part of a series, but an introduction into the kinds of books the author writes.

The Thief By: Megan Whalen Turner
The Thief is the first book in a fantasy quartet. The thief in question is the main character, Eugenides (nicknamed Gen). It’s tough with a series like this to review a single book. There are so many plot twists that I’m not quite sure what I’m giving away. There are thieves, political intrigue, love, and more, all set in an ancient Greek/Byzantine-like setting. The stories revolve around the countries of Eddis, Attolia, and Sounis and all involve Gen. Interestingly, they’re all written in different points of view which allows for an in-depth look into Gen’s character.  I read the books slightly out of sequence, but they’re amazing in any order.

the thief

Friday’s Child By: Georgette Heyer
Georgette Heyer’s historical romances are different from every other historical romance. I admit to Continue reading

Under My Spell

8 Feb

For years, I dreamed that I would one day possess real magical abilities.

I got tired of waiting.

So I took matters into my own hands:

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The Night Circus

13 Jan

The Night Circus by: Erin Morgenstern

The Night Circus

Because “The Night Circus” is an escapist’s dream. Because you wish the world created within its pages were real, instead of a mere illusion. Because as you step between its pages, that world embraces you fully, whispering secrets in your ear.

Because its present-tense tone is pretty unique, and adds to the singularity of the story.

Because even though it’s called “The Night Circus,” I don’t think “circus” is the right term. There’s none of that gaudy, ten-clowns-in-a-tiny-car kind of humor. The word “carnival” comes to mind, but I don’t think that’s the right word either.  The circus in the “The Night Circus” is mysterious, magical, elegant, and enchanting.

And that goes for the book as well.

Because it makes the reader want to find an elegant circus and run away with it.

The plot in a nutshell:

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In a Land of Myth and a Time of Magic

9 Jan

There’s this cute little show that makes me happy inside every time I watch it. It’s name – Merlin

Merlin (which made my TV Show List) is a fantasy-adventure British show that tells the story of the wizard Merlin, Prince Arthur, Arthur’s knights, and Camelot. But there’s a twist: Instead of a wise, ancient Merlin, the wizard is portrayed (by Colin Morgan) as a young man – more friend than mentor to Arthur (Bradley James).

Oh, and Merlin has to keep his magic secret from almost everyone, including Arthur.

Colin Morgan and Bradley James

I remember that after watching the first episode, I felt compelled to check out the next, and the next. Something about the show was drawing me in.

And it wasn’t the complex plot.

Colin Morgan and Bradley James carried the show for most of the first three seasons. This had largely to do with the fact that Colin Morgan and Bradley James are adorable/hot/cute/lovable.

Plus, they have great on-screen chemistry (in a completely heterosexual sense).

Also, they’re great friends off-screen. I know this because I’ve seen a bunch of youtube videos of them having fun together. Exhibit A:

And I have other reasons for enjoying Merlin.

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The Tough Guide to Fantasyland

14 Dec

The Tough Guide to Fantasyland by: Diana Wynne Jones

The Tough Guide to FantasylandBecause it’s a lighthearted, tongue in cheek guide book to the dark and grim world of Fantasy.

Because it’s a lighthearted, tongue in cheek guide book to the dark and grim world of Fantasy. Oh, did I say that already?

Because this is the kind of writing that pervades the book:

ARMY – There are strict Rules about this. Only bad KINGS and the DARK LORD are allowed to raise an Army at the start of a [story]. This will always be vast in numbers…The GOOD are allowed to raise a proper Army to combat the bad one only when it is almost too late… Continue reading